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About Jennifer

I'm a psychotherapist in Seattle, a fat-positive queer femme, a partner of a trans* man, a social justice junkie, and a believer in the power of connection to heal us all.

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A Valentine's day post about love, gender, and revolution

I work with a lot of transgender clients at the beginning stages of their transitions. They are thinking about their gender and who they want to be in, and to, the world. They are wondering about how their life might change. They are worried about coming out to friends and family and their employers. And they are hopeless about ever finding love again.

So many times I have heard, "Will anyone love me again? Will anyone want me?" I hear this especially from trans women. I have witnessed women being left by their partners... but I have also witnessed women meeting new loves. Another aspect of body positivity and body love is believing that trans bodies are worthy of love. It can feel nearly impossible when there is so many examples of hatred and violence directed at trans women, and especially trans women of color. Cultivating that love for self can be so hard... but it is also so, so important.

Laverne Cox said, in a speech at the Creating Change conference in 2014, "Loving trans people, I believe, is a revolutionary act." I would add that trans people loving themselves is also a revolutionary act. On Valentine's day I thought I would share a bit of the revolution: a lovely post showing

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